I thought I'd post more pictures of Noah's Unusual Pet Show, cause, ya know, what else am I gonna talk about? It's either this or me whining about how Nov. 4th can't come fast enough. Take your pick.
I want you all to know that the only time Noah wasn't smiling is when I was taking his picture. He was on a smiling-for-pictures strike. So even though he looks mad, he really wasn't. I also have some video of the class singing, but seeing as how my little angel refused to sing ONE FREAKIN WORD of all three songs, I decided what would be the point of posting them. You'd just see him standing there, straight faced, for 3 minutes. Fun.
Yeah, and I didn't even fix the red-eye. I'm that lazy.
Sorry about that mans head, he got in at the last second. Rude, I know.
This one was a balloon covered in cottonballs. It's a polar bear. I thought it was cute.
And this one is not another porcupine. It's a vampire hedgehog. Wicked.
This one is made out of a real alligators head. It's a dragon which is surely the unusualist pet of all. And yes, unusualist is not a real word. But it's my blog, I can make up words if I want.
Work-a-Holic.....or Sacrificing Stay-at-Home Mom????
10 years ago