Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Nothingness

Noah: Mom, what are you?

Me: What do you mean?

Noah: Cause you're all grown up and when you grow up you can be a policeman, or fireman....... but you're nothing.

Me: Well, I have chosen to be a mommy.

Noah: But
everyone's a mommy!

Ungrateful little............


Lindsay said...

That's hilarious. don't worry, I think you're worth something!

StephNyd said...

Ungrateful little what Misty? Come on, you can show the world that you have a bit of a mean streak and you aren't always so angelic! :)

That is extremely funny. Hannah once told me that the only two things I was good at was making her bed and making food for her. Other than that, I didn't do much in her eyes.

Becky said...

Punk. He'll appreciate it all one day... hopefully! :)

Mich said...

Hmmm... Noah and I think alike.

Just kidding.

Mich said...

Hmmm... Noah and I think alike.

Just kidding.

Jonny and Amber said...

Dude, your blog is my favorite! I laughed so hard over,
you little.... ( and you are totally worth something) I love ya!

Wish I could of been there for the big day on Saturday. My mom said the day was great. She said Ethan looked so cute in his new suit. Wish I could of seen that. Maybe at the wedding.